The Humble Administrators Garden
The prefecture and city Suzhou is located at the northeast of Jiangsu district on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu.
The city is renowned for its beautiful pagoda’s, canals with stone bridges, and meticulously designed gardens which are at the World Heritage List of Unesco.
At the west of the prefecture of Suzhou is the beautiful Lake Taihu located.
The prefecture and city Suzhou is located at the northeast of Jiangsu district on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu.
The city is renowned for its beautiful pagoda’s, canals with stone bridges, and meticulously designed gardens which are at the World Heritage List of Unesco.
At the west of the prefecture of Suzhou is the beautiful Lake Taihu located.